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Automatic Transmission Repair

Inside Automatic Trans

General Information

The transmission is a group of parts that transmits power from a vehicle’s engine to the drive axle, which in turn, makes the wheels go around. If you use a clutch to switch gears, your vehicle has a manual transmission.

If your transmission performance is good, you should experience easy shifting from gear to gear, it should not exhibit sounds or noises while making gear changes, and certainly should not pop out of gear or grind while shifting between gears.


Most Automatic Transmissions fail due to overheating or through small leaks that go undetected.  During routine maintenance, check for fluid levels and for fluid color.   Normal Automatic Transmission Fluid is a bright reddish pink in color.  If the color is dark red-to-brown, or looks like varnish, the transmission may have overheated and the fluid has burnt.

Informational Links:

Below are links to the website “How Stuff Works” that go into more detail about transmissions.